Happy New Yeeeeeaaaaarrrrr! 🙂
Why am I naming 2013 The Year of YOU? Because, simply put, it’s time that we focused on ourselves first. That doesn’t mean that we should neglect other areas and people in our lives (kids? what kids?), but simply that we need to put the nourishing and pampering of ourselves as a top priority. Further, we need to do some soul-searching and thinking about what we really want in life, and make sure we’re getting it.
This could mean going after that career you’ve been fantasizing about, even if it’s in a totally different field from the one you’re in now. It could mean spending more time in the kitchen creating, or cooking up, new recipes. Or, it could mean scheduling a monthly massage for your sheer enjoyment. Whatever you need to do for YOU, this is the year to do it. Starting today.
What’s in store for me?
One of my plans for 2013, I’ve decided, is to look at the clock less. This may sound strange, I know, but hear me out. If we go by the clock, for example, to determine our meal times, then we’re not really listening to our bodies, but rather, we’re following a set routine. Now, I do enjoy routine in other areas, but when it comes to my health, I let my body do the talking. When I start to feel hunger, I will eat, and when I’m satisfied, I will stop.
Now let’s talk about being in transit to work, a meeting, school, etc. Constantly glancing at the clock can increase our stress rather than letting us enjoy the ride. I know that I will get there eventually, so I’m going to make an effort to stop checking the clock every few minutes. Next time you’re in the car, see if this is something you do a lot too. You might be surprised!
One other area that I plan to look at the clock less is, well, the rest of the day. When I’m relaxing, whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie, or just lounging around, I want to truly enjoy it and get the most out of my downtime. Checking the clock, I’ve found, doesn’t allow me to truly let go and relax, since it reminds me what I need to do in one hour, that afternoon, and so on. You get the point. Now, when I’m working, I do find it effective to plan my day in time periods (say, check email for one hour, write for two, etc.). However, this also means that I am consistently checking the clock to see when it’s time to move on to the next thing. Perhaps setting a quiet alarm to alert me after each time period is completed would work the best for me. I will experiment and get back to you once I’ve figured that out. If you have ideas for me, share ’em below!
I am also continuing my 2012 commitment to avoid refined sugar, which you can get an update on here.
But most of all, this year, I’m making a commitment to YOU. I will be posting more often, sharing with you more of my day-to-day happenings, as well as recipes, tips, tidbits, and more. I’ll even be posting videos, something I’ve been planning on for, oh, about the last year.
You see, life takes hold of us and makes us busy, running from here to there, with hardly any time for anything else. But, can’t we create our own life? Let’s make this part of our life, so it’s abnormal not to carry out our goals, rather than the other way around. And don’t forget: this is The Year of YOU! Go make it happen.
excellent idea, Laura!!!
count me in
Thanks Jan! Sounds great!!
excellent idea, Laura!!!
count me in
Thanks Jan! Sounds great!!