I am totally a list girl. I want to see those tasks written down and I want to cross them off as I finish them. I also need to have things scheduled to ensure that I stick to them. And, a routine? Please. I frickin’ live for a routine.

Yup, that’s me in a nutshell, although I do know that I’m not alone. Indeed, there are others out there who love them a good schedule, and feel uber-accomplished when they stick to it.

I know, though, that it can be tough to develop a healthy routine, and more so to stick with it. So I’ve given you a starting off point, the tip of the diving board, if you will, that’ll help you get some clarity on what to do first.

  1. Put it on your calendar.
    Write ‘er down. It could be prepping food for the week and could also be going to the gym or having exercise time. Just as you would mark an appointment or important meeting on your calendar, do the same for this; after all, it is just as important. These are the things that will help you continue to stay motivated and nourished, and will make your week easier. You know those times when you say to yourself, “So I should probably go to the gym today. Yes, I definitely should. Okay, I’m gonna go.” Hang on. Let’s think about this. I still have to get ready for the day, think about what we’re having for dinner tonight, oh and there’s that work report that’s due this afternoon… okay well I obviously don’t have time today. Not my fault. I tried. I just don’t have the time at this point in my life. I don’t feel bad about it; I literally can’t go.”(five minutes later)

    “Uuugggghhhhhhh. I should’ve just gone. I would’ve been on my way already if I had just hopped in the car and started driving there instead of deliberating. And then I would’ve felt SO much better, more accomplished, stronger, and way more motivated to keep up with things in other areas of my life.”

    Sound familiar?

    Look, we’ve ALL been there (and continue to visit from time to time), but if you make a point of writing on your calendar your exercise times for the week, and then stick to it, you will feel so much better, in literally every way.

    Important side note for when you’ve scheduled a 7am gym time for the next day: Don’t say, “Well, I’m gonna get up early to work out if I’m able to get to bed on time.” That is just asking for trouble. Instead, say, “I have to get to bed at a good time tonight because I’m getting up at 7 to work out.”


    You’ve just proven your motivation and determination to stick to your healthy routine, and MAN does that feel good! Your reward is the feeling you’ll get, and trust me, it’s worth it.

    Another important thing to write on your calendar is food prep time. Let’s say your work week starts on Monday, as mine does. Schedule in 90 minutes on Sunday to get some food ready for the week. It may not take you that long, and if it doesn’t, it feels great to get it done early. But if it does, you’ll still feel accomplished because that’s the time you had planned for.

    Wash and chop your veggies so they’re ready to add to a salad or smoothie, sauté in the pan, or just eat as they are. This will save you SO much time during the week, and it really won’t take you long to get ‘er all done at once.

    It’s also great to whip up a salad dressing for the week… my fave is a balsamic vinaigrette. Store it in a glass jar in the fridge, and now you’ve got a deliciously healthy dressing for the week (and it may even last you longer).

    Depending on how ambitious you feel (and how much time you have left in your 90 minutes), you may also want to make a soup (like this one) and/or a dip for your veggies, such as hummus, bean dip, or veggie dip.

  2. Remember what your end result, or ultimate desire, is, and keep that in mind.
    No matter who you are, there will come a time (or multiple times, especially at first) when you wonder, “What’s the point?” You may feel unmotivated, defeated, or just plain lazy. That’s why it’s so important to keep your ‘WHY’ in mind. Your why is your end result or ultimate desire. It doesn’t mean that when you reach that point, you’ll stop all your efforts and celebrate being done forever. It’s more the way you want to feel and what you want to accomplish through living this healthy lifestyle, and once you feel that way, it’s going to feel so darn good that you’re going to keep it up to maintain that feeling.Is it to feel more calm within your busy, go-go-go life? Is it to feel more satisfied with your food choices and your ability to stick with them, even when you get super busy? Whatever it is, keep that going strong in your mind because you will want to work that much harder to get to that feeling.

    So remember your why. This will get you through the harder times when you just feel like being a couch potato and lazing the day away. Don’t get me wrong; I rock at couch potato days, but when I’ve planned to be productive, I want to stick with it. I feel SO much better when I do, and you will, too.

  3. Do it.
    Yup, you heard me. Simply do it. Put your shoes on and head to that exercise class before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it, put the veggies on the counter and get washin’, get that soup on the stove. At first it’s going to feel like you’re forcing yourself a bit (or a lot), but once you’ve done it a few times, or maybe even 10-20, it will become habit and thus will be much easier.Now I want to hear from you. In the comments below, give me a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ … ‘yes’ I totally have a healthy routine and I’m loving it, or ‘no’ this is something I need to work on! And if you have any additions, please feel free to share.