Ah yes, the good ol’ rut. We’ve all been there, some of us visit often, and still others have no idea how the heck to get out of it once they fall in.

Listen, let’s just start by saying it’s totally normal. We’re only human, after all, born to make mistakes… oh wait, that was a song from the 80s. Never mind.

BUT… it’s also kinda relevant. Although I will say, I don’t label falling into a rut as “making a mistake”. It just is what it is, plain and simple.

That said, being in a rut isn’t somewhere we want to stay for long. Not only does it not serve us physically, because junk food can wreak havoc on our blood sugar level, hormones, digestion, immune system and more… but it can also mess with our mind, making us feel defeated, breaking our confidence in ourselves, and preventing us from living up to our true potential.

How do you get out of a rut?

So the question is, how the heck do you get out of it?

Well, my friend, I’m here to give you a few tips. The key to getting them to work is to commit to the process. Seriously. The steps are few but it’s the consistency that counts.

When it comes to the actual changes to implement, I repeat: The important thing is the process itself, as opposed to exact steps. This is because we’re all in different places when we’re in a rut, and therefore the exact changes we need to make are unique to each of us.

The Process

  1. Really understand your reason(s) for wanting to get out of the rut (having more energy, boosting your immune system, simply feeling better… whatever it may be for you), and write it down so you can read it again when things get tough. No matter what, when it comes to healthy eating, remember and stick to your why.
  2. Beyond knowing your reason(s), you must commit to sticking with the healthy changes you’re about to make. Yes, it will be tough at times and yes, you’ll have moments when you just want to say “screw this!” and eat an entire pack of cookies. And I get that! But do your absolute best to follow through with the changes you decide to make and you’ll be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in no time.
  3. Next, decide what changes you need to make and choose 2-3 of them to start with. If you really think about it, you know what they are.

For example, let’s say you have chocolate almonds every night after dinner. You know it’s not a healthy habit but you can’t seem to stop.

Ding ding ding!

That right there is a change that you can focus on making. Instead of having the chocolate almonds, you can choose to have a healthier snack, one that includes protein and fat. This will help to stabilize your blood sugar, especially going in to sleep time, and keep you fuller, longer. Some of my fav nighttime snacks include toasted pumpkin seeds, a boiled egg, or a few scoops of almond butter mixed with coconut oil. Yum.

A Healthy Side Note

While we’re talking about protein and fat, let’s give them the shoutout they deserve. These food components are what we should be focusing on in order to reduce our desire for junk foods. That whole blood sugar stabilizing, making you fuller, longer thing? Yeah, that is key for reducing cravings, and protein and fat can help make it happen.

Beyond our nighttime snacking example, other changes could include drinking more water (say, 8 cups per day), walking daily, and going to bed earlier. Again, the specific changes you’ll focus on will be the ones that you personally know you need to make.

4. So you’ve chosen 2-3 small changes to start with. Now, here’s an equally important step: You’re going to do them EVERY DAY until they become new healthy habits.

Once you start to notice the improvement in how you feel (and my friend, you will if you stay consistent), it becomes easier to implement even more healthy habits.

Before you know it, you’ll be like “what rut?” and you’ll be dancing your way through the day. Okay maybe not actually, but you’ll feel like it because you just feel so dang good. Proud of yourself for sticking to it and making it happen, and healthier, which just makes everything better!

Let’s Recap

  1. Understand your reason(s) for wanting to get out of the rut. Write them down so you can read them whenever you need a reminder.
  2. Commit to the healthy changes you’re about to make.
  3. Focus on 2 or 3 changes to start with and…
  4. Decide to do them daily. It’s YOUR choice so remember that and use it to your advantage. You’ve got this!

If you’ve gotten yourself out of a junk food rut before, what tip(s) do you have for others in a similar situation?