Why do I eat the way I do?

I often get questioned on why I eat a lot of salad and drink iffy-looking smoothies most mornings. And I hear a lot of, “You don’t eat wheat? Why?” (which comes complete with a disgusted, even pitiful at times, look on their faces). The real question from me to them would be, “Why do YOU eat substances that started off being genetically modified, came from pesticide-rich and mineral-deficient soil, had thousands of chemicals added, were put in pretty packages that themselves contain thousands of chemicals, were deep fried in oil that is nothing but trans-fats and cellulite waiting to happen, and then, actually dared to be called food?” I hold myself back from actually saying this, of course. But really, doesn’t it just make sense that that’s the real question here?! Anyway, enough of my ranting.

Because I’m a human being, when people question me over and over, sometimes I start to wonder myself. Why am I doing this? So many other people eat “normally,” and they seem fine

So, I wanted to see for myself just why I do it… why I avoid the things I avoid and make sure I eat lots of goodies (as in, good-for-you foods, not candy. Stick with me here.). I mean, I know why I do it, but it’s nice once in a while to prove to myself the amazing benefits of eating healthily, and to get a flashback of the gross symptoms I’m preventing. There’s something about feeling those physical (and mental) symptoms that motivates me to keep going in the healthy direction. Sure, you know sugar’s bad for you, but to feel fatigued and so low energy all day (not to mention gaining a high susceptibility to zits) really shows you just how bad it is. And wheat… oh, where do I begin with wheat. If you want to look (and feel) like you’re five pounds heavier, then just eat this stuff. Really… the bloating it can cause, not to mention intestinal spasms and cramps, as well as poor digestion… yum. It’s enough to make anyone want to stay the F away from it.

I vacationed in the one-and-only New York City with my boyfriend last weekend for his birthday, and thought, what better place to eat like a “normal” person? So I did. And did I get symptoms? Oh yeah. What did “normal” entail for me? It started with white pasta and breaded chicken with lots of cheesy sauce. It went on to include pizza, a deli sandwich, deep fried fish, and, oh yes, chocolate. Did I enjoy this food? Heck yes. But did my body love me for it? Heeelll no!

I have to say, my taste buds loved this experiment, and I’m glad I did it, but I certainly paid the price. It was hard for me to stop eating the leftover chocolate, and my digestion has been off the entire week. (Waking up at 5am with intestinal spasms anyone? Anyone?)

Maybe you eat this way all the time and don’t experience these symptoms. One thought is that if you really listened to your body, you may just find that you can make a connection between how you feel, whether it’s physically, mentally, or emotionally, and the foods that you’re eating. Another is that you’ve been doing it for so long that these symptoms are just normal to you. Believe me… they’re not. If you ate healthier, more whole foods-based, and avoided the baddies (sugar, wheat, dairy, processed food, artificial stuff, deep fried thingies), then your body has no choice but to feel better. I’m not saying to never have those baddies again, but just to feed your body right most of the time. She (or he) will thank you for it! And as for me? Well, let’s just say I’m off to eat a salad… and please don’t ask why. 😉