Here we are a couple weeks in to Lin’s health journey, and she’s doing great. She’s working out with her trainer four times per week while eating healthier meals and snacks. She has found her roadblock this week to be emotional eating, as you will learn about in her video clip below.

I’ve told Lin, as I do all of my clients, to stick to the health program and be “good” about 80% of the time. She enjoys the other 20%, but has noticed a big difference, most notably in her digestion, when she eats the “baddies.” This is a good sign, as it’s the body saying, “Umm no, I actually don’t like that stuff so please stop feeding it to me. Okay? Thanks. What’s that? You’ll do better next time? Uh, you best be doing better next time.” (Yes, that was the body with a ‘tude.)

When it comes to emotional eating, she’s already read my blog post regarding that, so she’s well-equipped with how to lessen cravings, including those that go along with emotional eating. I’ve told her to ensure she’s getting enough protein, fibre, and good fats, as these help to control the blood sugar level, which helps to prevent cravings. I’ve also included in Lindsay’s program the recommendation for chromium. This trace mineral is essential for proper blood sugar balance, something I discovered during her initial intake to be out of whack. First and foremost, if those cravings aren’t there, you’ll be less likely to have that persistent desire to be dirty (by eating crappy foods, that is).

As for reaching for food during those stressful times, Lin and I have discussed alternative outlets for stress (having a bath, going for a walk, allowing time for relaxation, having some good old “me-time”). By doing something you love that doesn’t involve food, you’ll make connections between feeling good and good-for-you, health-promoting activities.

Keep up the awesomeness, Lin! 🙂

And now, let’s hear what she has to say this week…
