I love finding out new things about someone, either in person with people in my life or even on someone’s blog or podcast. There’s just something about them revealing themselves, opening the curtain and letting me in to their lives just a little bit more that’s exciting for me. And since I love finding things out from other people so much, I thought I’d create my own list. Once you read mine, leave me a comment with one thing that you want to reveal about yourself.

1. I feel my best, most confident self when my makeup is done, my hair is did and my outfit is well put together (and to be even more real with you, that last one is usually a struggle for me). #focusonyourstrengths : ) I love taking care of myself and this particular morning routine is just another part of that. And actually, it makes me feel way more productive and ready to take on the day… yes, please!

2. Speaking of which, I’m a routine kinda girl. I’m at my best when I get up around the same time every day, stick to my workout regime, write to-do lists (and check off each item as soon as it’s done, oh yeah), and make time for my morning green tea latte with Miguel (and his coffee), chatting about our plans for the day. I like to know what I can expect on a given day, with a little room for spontaneity. And interestingly, I find that the more routined I am, the more room I have for spontaneity since I’m gettin’ stuff done, leaving more time and headspace to be able to say “yes, let’s go do that.”

3. I’m an introvert at heart (and on the surface, for that matter). As much as I enjoy being social and living it up, I more often want to be at home in my comfies just hanging out, whether that be watching TV (Big Brother or Bachelorette), reading a book (Sophie Kinsella or Stephen King) or otherwise re-lax-ing. And also, I’m a better listener than I am a talker, especially in group settings.

4. I believe wholeheartedly that (generally speaking) we can and should feel fantastic on the daily, and that what we eat dictates this in a big way. After all, food directly influences how we feel, both physically and mentally, and thus is a large contributor to how our day goes. I truly believe that we mamas should be able to wake up in the morning with excitement and energy, and really enjoy our day, rather than just get through it and hope it’s over soon. Of course there will be “those days,” but I really believe that for most of ‘em, we should feel on top of the world. And more importantly, I believe wholeheartedly that this is absolutely possible with the right lifestyle choices, especially when it comes to our food.

5. I have cellulite (I know, like 90% of women, right?). And although I try not to, I often stare in at myself in the mirror, whether I’m in a bathing suit or trying on a new pair of pants, trying to gauge how obvious it is. And, it’s the main reason I don’t wear shorts. I know, I know… believe me, I’m all about body love, confidence and positivity. But, this is just something that’s been in my brain for over a decade now, and it can be tough to rewire that kind of thinking. See the next point.

6. I care what people think. Now, I care more about what I think, but let’s face it, what others think can absolutely have an influence on that. I don’t mean that my happiness depends on others’ opinions or that they dictate my every move, but for better or worse, I do take them into account.

7. My diet isn’t gluten-free, sugar-free, carb-free, or any other free. I definitely have my list of foods that I limit or avoid, but I don’t eat according to a certain label. Rather, I give myself freedom with what I eat, knowing that I feel best when I choose the healthiest foods, and I don’t feel as good when I eat certain others. While I don’t let myself go overboard, I do allow for treats because, I mean, this is real life. I personally like the 80/20 approach to eating, meaning 80% of my diet is as healthy as I can possibly make it, and 20% is where those indulgences happen. Do I sometimes slip into that 20% more than I should, inching it closer to 25%? You betcha. But honestly? I feel 1000x better when I don’t do that, so I aim to spend most of my time feeding my body right.

And, a bonus: I eat cupcakes. See above.

Now it’s your turn. What is one thing about you that you want to share? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Laura Lima is a holistic nutritionist, stay-at-home mompreneur, wife to Hamilton Realtor, Miguel Lima, and mama to Cutest Girls Ever, Ellie and Maggie. (Ha.) She believes that focusing on real foods leads to feeling fantastic and having more energy so women can take on the many calls of mamahood (and life in general). She spends much of her time in her free Facebook group where she teaches how to do just that. Are you a new(ish) mama? She’d love for you to join her there.